Under duress

Monday, November 20, 2006

Misery guts

On a bit of a downer at the moment, probably hormones. Disappointed with bloc after all that effort. Only one of the four pieces I submitted actually made it to air, and that poorly edited. Some glaring errors and repetitions that I swear weren't in my original submission, which I'll try and make amendments to, if technically possible. The piece that I edited, sweated over for hours, came out looking really good, but then my name wasn't acknowledged as part of the editorial team. And my poem didn't make it – all pretty hopeless really. To top it all off, my profile had been altered – the jokey references to the word 'short' completely removed. What was left was completely lame, and didn't make any sense to me at all?!? Arrrrrrrrrgh. How embarrassing. Neither did the smiley picture of me get uploaded, so all that time, and hair-pulling, I put in to photoshop the damn thing was pointless. I'd emailed it before the deadline, twice. Hopefully just teething glitches. I mustn't bitch.

And Derrek's class was awful. Not so much the lecture, although it was still too rambly for my liking/understanding, but the reading out of our homework stories afterwards. Mine was crap, really dire. Had to fight the impulse to leg it. Embarrassing, and just so boring to read. Think I'm more suited to the non-creative essay form. Making stuff up is too hard. But having said that, I'm quite pleased with the piece I've just finished for Bill, experimenting with shifts in time. Hopefully I've got that one kind of right?

At least I received some second-hand feedback regarding our radio play workshop last week.
Apparently Paul thought ours was really good, and that we worked together as a team really well. Yay. Shame he didn't use any Pondlife tracks on the recording though. Never mind. Was a brilliant experience, really enjoyed it in spite of my early trepidition. More of the same, please.

Went to choir again tonight, which I probably shouldn't have done, cos it's now 1.30am. Only 3wks to go before we break up for Christmas – just as well, don't think I can last out much longer. Not that I'm wishing our final assessment pieces any closer! Not exactly a very jolly prospect.

Bah humbug.


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