Foul grey day
13.11.06 Foul grey day
Killing time in IT suite waiting for my car-share to complete some work. Doesn’t seem right to be blogging so early in the day, especially as not much of note has taken place. Got up. Got lift. Had lecture. Read short scene assignment. Researched magazine on web. Looked at web profile of former student – web based CV (very impressive). Got sucked into his portfolio. Ate lunch. Turned up for guest speaker - train delayed. Started filling in trust fund form. Checked diary for exciting events to come this week. Sent text messages to kids to apologise for a late return – won’t be back in time to cook Lucy’s dinner before she has to go to gym. Fell asleep, literally, in radio play seminar – not because it was dull, just so tired. Discussed workshop week ahead re radio play development. In group two: 10.45am start tomorrow.
Now here I am. Staring out wall of windows, looking at the foggy gloom that is today’s weather. Feel flat and dull. Uninspired. Tired beyond belief. Will probably muster up the energy to go to choir later, although will mean not being in for the evening again. Not spending time with the kids. If I can, will try to use the later hours this evening to have a go at re-vamping the piece I want to send off to Myslexia, but not sure I’ll be awake enough to do it justice.
Now here I am. Staring out wall of windows, looking at the foggy gloom that is today’s weather. Feel flat and dull. Uninspired. Tired beyond belief. Will probably muster up the energy to go to choir later, although will mean not being in for the evening again. Not spending time with the kids. If I can, will try to use the later hours this evening to have a go at re-vamping the piece I want to send off to Myslexia, but not sure I’ll be awake enough to do it justice.
Would be nice to just snuggle up in bed and watch crap tele, but can’t. Will probably have to make a belated attempt at Hero of a thousand faces. Reminds me, library books, and audio books due back today. If we get back to Penzance in time. Would be nice not have to do anything at all actually. The constant demands on my time are wearisome, and this is only week six? What have I done? Forgive me, I know not what I’m doing.
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