Under duress

Friday, November 10, 2006

Another day at the office

Can't believe it took me two hours to shuffle paper round this morning; filing handouts, letters, documents and sorting recyclables. Putting poems in the poetry folder, archiving Open University guff, remembering the garden story needs sending off to Mslexia asap, noticing library books now overdue, re-discovering the newspapers with interesting articles in them – saved to be read but still haven't been, and panicking about homework deadlines as usual.

Good thing I was being all officey though as it was all becoming rather damp. Piled beneath the window by my bed, all the pages had that cold, limp feel to them. This house really isn't paper friendly. Or people friendly. Too dark, too cold, and too small.

Upstairs at the wretched computer again to edit the piece allocated to me for bloc: How to be an Independent Publisher. Took way longer than I anticipated. Hours. Hopefully I've done it justice, and miraculously, managed to get it down to exactly 1000 words. An interesting and potentially useful article too.

Tidied up the assignments previously done for Bill as requested, and uploaded them onto the Moodle system thingy. Not as difficult as I'd anticipated, but again, time consuming. After all that concentrated sitting, I just had to escape to the pool to do some lengths, 80 in all. Dull but necessary, and I did mull over some ideas for Derrek's homework.

Must get cracking now as playing a gig at the Acorn tonight – benefit for the Eco-op. Haven't told anyone about it, so will be interesting to see how many people turn up. We're not the only band but think we're the headliners – hope so, as otherwise they'll be playing without me! So do I go for sex kitten, sophisticated diva, or cool and casual? Whatever I can lay my hands on or borrow from Rosie – it's great having a hip and stylish daughter whose clothes fit you! Ditto makeup. I don't usually wear it so much easier just to use hers.

Will probably be stupidly nervous as always. Don't know why, should be relaxed and able to enjoy it by now. May have to go for a couple of tequilas to calm me down, get me into the spirit of things (apologies for the awful pun). Don't know why I'm apologising? Nobody actually reads this apart from me, and surely I don't need to excuse my own bad jokes. Oh well. I'll wish myself luck then.


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