Under duress

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Ghosties, ghoulies and long-legged thingys.

Am being time managerially efficient by electing to write my blog now, as opposed to last thing at night, as is my usual routine. Probably reluctant to record the day's events too early in case something really exciting happens, and I don't have a chance to write it down!

Kids are roaming the streets for their annual gack-fest – trick-or-treating the UK way. Am surprised how the tradition has been embraced with ever increasing fervour in recent years. Most of the houses in our road have gone to the trouble of displaying pumpkins, and are decked out in suitably spooky trimmings – the kids laden down with tonnes of sweets and goodies.

I remember the year we spent in America when I was ten, and how mind-blowing the whole thing was for me then. The elaborate costumes, and outrageous effort put into decorating all the houses in the neighbourhood. A community spirit that seemed to permeate through the crisp, fall air. Trudging through the snow was a novelty in itself, and then back to the toasty warm centrally heated house which was our temporary home. As far removed from Adelaide, South Australia, as you could possibly imagine.

Anyway, it's my lot out there now, and it least its not raining like last year. Feel a bit bad that I haven't gone to a lot of trouble, but they're with their mates, and we're hooking up at a friend's house at 8pm for some food and a bit of a Sowain shindig. Usually we write some 'start of the new year hopes and wishes' on paper and set them alight on the fire. That's about as hippy and spiritual as I ever get.

Won't be able to hang around long though, have to pick up Eddie from Hayle again at 10pm. The perennial taxi driver. Shame there's already a film of that name. Now that my batteries are charged up again I can plug myself in to the next installment of Jazz. Apologies to Eddie for being anti-social. Needs must.


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