Under duress

Monday, October 30, 2006

Screen fever.

Have been sat in front of this bloody screen for what feels like all of today. Welcome to a writer's world. Welcome to Lardy-arse Land. A land of 'cups of tea at regular intervals' so as to create an excuse to get up. Get up to put the kettle on. Get up to make the tea. Get up to find the biscuits. Get up to go for a pee. A thrill a minute – but anything for a bit of exercise. Is totally against my nature to be confined for long periods of time to a chair. Better get used to it I suppose.

Did escape to the doctors briefly. My bedside table now resembles an acute ward – covered as it is in various sized dressings, iodine patches, and a week's supply of drugs. Antibiotics. My foot's a right mess, even after nine days, so thought I'd better do something about it.

At least I finished the piece of writing for Bill, and the article on Jane for bloc (hope she likes it). And my personal profile as follows:

Name: Fi Read

Place of birth: Stratford, New Zealand

Email address: fipenz@yahoo.co.uk

Favourite things:

  • form of writing – poetry, cos its short.

  • sound – silence, in short supply at my house.

  • smell – other people's posh laundry detergent.

  • word – short.

  • Book – Truman Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's. I'm a slow reader, its short.

Biggest things:

  • writing achievement – um... pass.

  • Non-writing achievement – raising £3,700 for Scope, trekking for 3 weeks in the Himalayas, and breathing in Mt. Everest (which is not even remotely short). Organising all the arrangements for my four kids during my short, but significant, absence.

Greatest things:

  • hopes – all the biggies: World peace. An end to poverty and hunger. Equality. Eco-friendly policies to reduce global warming... In the short-term, that I won't always be a barmaid.

  • Inspiration – my friends, both short and tall.

Naughtiest vice: Tequila. Shorts.

Hope that's the kind of thing they wanted? Short, and to the point.

Anyway, it'll do for now. I can probably make changes at a later date if I need to. Would be nice to put for the writing achievement – a short story published in Myslexia. Reminds me, I must tidy the gardening story up and send it off before the deadline. But unfortunately, the printer has decided to kark it. Probably cos it got water knocked all over it. Bit of a bummer really as I need a working one, as do the kids. At least I hadn't gone out and bought loads of black ink for it yet.

Went to choir tonight which was a good thing. Needed to free my head. Lucy got very creative with the pumpkin, carving out a wicked jack-o-lantern face – she's so bloody arty. Meant that I had to make pumpkin soup when I got back. Tomorrow night's Halloween fare. Mm, mmm.


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