Email frenzy
Have spent the past hour trying to sort out emailing documents to myself, to use in college tomorrow. Crazy really, it's for our individual website thingy that we have to put together, but I don't think it's worth it. Don't think anyone would want to read what I've written by any stretch of the imagination. Couldn't really find much in the way of images either. Tried to look on stock exchange, but couldn't figure out how to use it, so visually, mine's going to look pants.
At least I managed to get both Derrek's and Bill's assignments out of the way today, and email them to me as well (really need to try and get a printer sorted asap). Loads of things |I need to do actually. Getting loan forms and funding applications in being the most pressing. Also need to post poem off for competition. Won't get anywhere, but good to try. Could send me Geevor poem off as well to Cornish World. Flicked through a copy in Woolworths the other day, and they had a poetry section you could submit local poems to. And the Myslexia short story's still waiting for it's final edit.
Interviewed John in St Ives today about his Not Writing – really chuffed that he gave me copies of his limited edition books. Found what he had to say fascinating, but have no idea how I'm going to go about writing up an article. A random list? Juxtaposed word fragments maybe?
Popped into the gallery where he's currently exhibiting his text based art, sequential re-ordering and encoding, all the go. Liked it, but way out of my price range. Reminds me, I need to borrow some books on Kurt before interviewing him on Friday. And I still haven't started reading Mark Thomas's book in order to send him an email of questions. Arrrgh. Never enough bloody time.
That's it really. Apart from a brief flurry in St Ives, the stroll along Porthmoer alone, worth the trip. Waves were gi-normous – massive, at least triple over head, and clean. No way I'd go out in that. Madness. Eddie did of course, after college up at Mother Ivy's with Alex. Came home complaining something rotten cos he had to get out after only half an hour – Alex hit his head real hard and couldn't stay in. And then they had to get another guy out of the water who'd busted up his leg, probably in two places. Sounds like carnage. A mother's nightmare.
Haven't been too bad a mother on the Bad Mother front, although I did pretend that I was in Falmouth today when Billy's primary school contacted me to say that he'd hurt his head. Really didn't want to have to drop everything and go and fetch him. Turned out he was fine anyway, just a bump. As I expected.
And I passed on choir to get assignments done, which also meant that I could offer to both take, and collect, Lucy from gym tonight. No bad thing given that it was pissing it down at the time. So Good Mother brownie points there surely? Cooked a proper dinner as well (grovel, grovel). Speaking of mother's, a parcel from mine arrived today. Christmas goodies no doubt. Feel terribly guilty cos I forgot to ring her just before her moving date, and now she's gone and I don't have a forwarding address yet. Will have to email my brother. Feel really terrible about it though. And I still have to get cracking on the presents front - get something sent off in the post pronto.
Wow, it's way before midnight – what on earth should I do now then? More emails to reply to, but sick of that. Could research previous MA students' websites from last year? Need to find a copy of my employment CV to take in with me. Could be something vaguely useful to use from it.
Eddie's shouting random stuff above me in his sleep – always freaky. Worries me that he might have some kind of deep-seated psychological disturbance or something. Why else would he have these night terrors? Good reason to stop here, as hard to concentrate now.
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