Under duress

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Word count neurosis

Who'd have thought this course would be so mathematically demanding? Juggling pieces of work, and doing slap-dash edits, to reach the target figures. My counts are over their limits, but I'm presuming there's a 10% leeway. Better be, or I'm stuffed.

Too much pottering this morning, meant that I was slacker than I shouldv'e been, regarding study, and getting stuck in. Did the usual 'check through emails' diversionary tactic, and was chuffed to find my response to a Billy-sized bike on free-cycle came up trumps. Rang to get instructions for collection, so with any luck, that'll be his birthday present sorted, (just hoping it won't be on the small side – said aged 7 – 11, and his current one's more like a five-year-old's deadly treadly). Will certainly dispense with the agonising over what to buy.

Eventually settled down, copying and pasting yesterday's work onto the required form. Shows up how crap my IT skills are, as spent ages trying to re-size tables and columns, and never did work out how to insert page numbers – having to type them in instead. Every time I thought I'd just about done it, it would go all weird again. So frustrating, and such a time waster. Also had to assemble all the papers I'd somehow managed to scatter all over the place; re-organise things, ready for the next phase.

Abandoned ship to head over to Wendy's, and go for a walk with a few other people. So nice to get out in the countryside, and walk along the coast path. Took a bit of a convoluted route, towards Mousehole, and up into the hinterland – absolutely starving by the time we'd made it back. Found a pair of size 10 rigger boots along the way; soggy, as they'd clearly been left out in the elements for some time, but otherwise, in pretty good nick. Shame they're too small for Graham – will have to find another deserving home for them instead.

Helped with the dinner prep briefly, before joining the others in the lounge. Was hilarious, as everyone was sitting around, reading the weekend papers, as if it was a public library reading room. Played a game of Downfall with Billy, before retiring to the sofa.

Glanced through the magazine supplement, reading an article on the recent death of a Brazilian supermodel from Anorexia. Grim. Then proceeded to pile mountains of delicious nut-roast and veggies on my plate, as dinner was served. Why is it that food always tastes better when someone else has cooked it?

After, we all played a game involving describing and guessing famous people/characters. In two teams, there were three rounds: the first where you could give an indefinite amount of explanation, or clues; the second, a one word clue only; and in the third, you had to mime. Brilliant fun. Really must have people round mine for a meal soon – love having company, and it's so nice when the kids can join in too.

Had to cut the visit short though, knowing that it was school etc. tomorrow, and that I needed to log back on to do some more work. Have now selected the pieces to analyse for PWR3, so that's a step forward. Means that I should be able to just get on with it tomorrow; get it in the bag. Will be an incredible feeling to hand it all in, as I'm pleased with the work that I've produced to date, and know that it will easily pass. If I wasn't such a perfectionist, I probably could've churned out something in a quarter of the time, but I just can't do things half-arsed.

A busy day for me tomorrow - best call it a night. Hopefully the football that Eddie was watching has finished by now, and I'll actually be able to go to bed. One day, one day... I will have a room of my own.


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