Under duress

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Oranges - just the ticket

Shouted at Eddie for raiding my vitamin C stash. Don't touch the things ordinarily, but was given a sizable jar of mega-dose capsules several years ago now by a friend, who insisted I needed them as I was suffering from a permanent cold every winter. Well either I've finally acclimatised, or my overall health is much improved, because I don't seem to succumb to anywhere near as many snots and sniffles as I used to. However, I do like to have them there in case of emergencies. And there's Eddie, necking them as if they're smarties, just because he's on some kind of uber health kick?

He signed up for a month's gym membership yesterday, and went for his personal health assessment after college today – his body-fat analysis is 12% apparently. And he had an infra-red sauna, which will allegedly help heal his foot. His membership entitles him to sports physio, yoga and pilates classes, as well as all the usual gym equipment apparatus. Hope he's not going to turn into some sort of fitness junkie, or worse, a body-building freak. I'm all up for taking good care of yourself etc. but everything in moderation. Besides, he eats a tonne already; can't afford for my grocery bill to treble overnight. He asked the price of a tin of tuna the other day – says he'll need to eat one each time he goes to the gym to repair the muscle tissue tears. In your dreams fish-breath, says I, in a really supportive and encouraging, motherly way.

So not only is my ascorbic acid out of bounds, but I'm also going to deprive him of valuable protein, and quite possibly, starve him in the process. Eat more oranges I say. And he said he would, if I bought decent ones – not the dried up, scraggy, totally juiceless ones that end up in our fruit bowl. To which, of course, I replied, I can hardly try before I buy, now can I? Huh?

Oh the joys of mother-son relationships. He astutely pointed out that I'd been nagging him for ages to find something more constructive to do other than gaming on the computer, and when he does, I complain about it? Suggested that for my MA dissertation, I write a How to Nag Handbook: Nagging, as easy as N.A.G. Bloody marvellous, thinks he's so funny. Sassy git. Probably right though. I could have ten top tips for nagging husbands, children, neighbours, work colleagues, etc. Mmm, could be some mileage in that one. May have to put that to my tutor at college next week.

Could possibly be getting too carried away with this Bad Mother thing. Did a bit of research on what's out there on the Amazon website, thinking that perhaps I should go with our leader's suggestion and simply write about me, and my life, but it would hardly be a saleable commodity. Enough of the blinking books out there already as far as I can tell. All, or most of them, 'hilarious'. But given that I can't think of an alternative project, and am rapidly running out of time, may have to do for now. At least for the first draft proposal. If nothing else, it would be a wicked piece of family history for us Readies.

Drove out to see how Heidi was getting on this morning. Not good, as to be expected really. Hope it'll work out ok for her; that he's just having a wobbly moment, and will soon come to his senses. Hate to see her suffering so. Men (sigh). Not heard from Graham either – not responded to past three texts. Probably a lack of credit, but sometimes with Graham, you never can tell. Do miss the bugger though sometimes. Wish I was in his thoughts as often as he's in mine. Relationships (sigh).

Still, could never be as brave as Heidi, and jump feet first. Feel as if I'll just be dipping my toes in forever. Playing it safe. Hopefully not too safe – don't know what I'd do if he found someone else to splash about with? Gawd, getting all insecure again now. Can't be having that. Must be feeling slightly nervous though, as really wanted to eat an ice cream earlier. Over-rode that desire with a 'No, you don't want to be getting fat now, do you?' inner voice, and so ate an orange instead – and it wasn't a very nice one either.

At least I picked up Eddie's board from Whippet, the guy who repairs them in Hayle. Only £25, which was a relief, was expecting it to be a lot more. Left Rosie's prospective new board to be done in it's place. Gave me an excuse to pop into Down the Line surf shop in search of a replacement fin. Always nice to chat to Ryan, such a cheeky young fucker. And another nice thing awaited me on my return – post I hadn't opened earlier, one letter of which was an acceptance note for a poem I submitted to the Poetry Kernow section in Cornish World magazine. My first one ever. Did make me smile. Oranges all round I say old chaps.


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