Under duress

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Dull Wednesday

Exceedingly. A day of neither note, nor merit. Far too much housework for my liking, but as the dust, mold and general disarray were getting me down, I just had to do something about it. Can't concentrate on writing unless it's tidy-ish around me – no point even trying. So several tedious hours were taken up with thankless cleaning. I know you're supposed to let all that slide when deadlines are to be met, but I the more I try to ignore the mess and filth, the larger it looms in my head, and so any attempts I make at working become counter-productive – I end up either writing nothing, or at a pace so slow, it's barely worth bothering with. Anyway, I've got some of it out of my system for now, so should be able to crack on tomorrow (after I've sorted out the houseful of kids that is, and collected Eddie's repaired surfboard from Hayle, and gone over to see Heidi).

Poor love. She rang to tell me her man's left her. Left her in the lurch – totally. She's given up her job, and doing up her house with a view to put it on the market, so that they could start up a business together, and he's gone and left her. Fuck knows how she's going to pay the mortgage now.

They'd booked a ski holiday to Slovenia at half term – spent money she doesn't really have on it – and she rang to ask me what the details of our holiday were so that they could try and come with us instead. Her over-riding concern was to give the boys their holiday, but there's no way she an afford it. Not as if I can lend her the money either; not as if I can afford to be going really. Especially with both Eddie and Rosie wanting to have driving lessons – Eddie imminently, and Rosie, just a few short months away from now. I didn't quite factor that in when I was making my ski holiday calculations. And I still have to pay up the equivalent price of a ski trip for Eddie when he arranges to go, as I promised I would, given that he's not coming en famille. Madness, utter madness.

Really must knock this ski thing on the head as we're not in the right income bracket to be larking in the snow. Will have to tighten those belts for the rest of the year, that's for sure. No exciting ventures over the summer – just the usual camping and festival jaunts I guess. Mind you, even the little kids are beginning to tire of the routine. Would love to go to Spain (say that every year) Would be nice to visit Mel and Aaron, but I think that'll have to wait until after the MA. If there is an after-MA?

Certainly won't be at this rate. Still nowhere nearer to putting down on paper what my MA proposal will be. Still not begun the assessment selection of pieces of writing, and that's going to be critical soon – 2weeks and 2days from now. As for the website? Ha, what a joke. At least I've arranged to get some help next Friday week, although not entirely sure how helpful that will actually be? Must remember to get my time sheet in as well, and complete the forms for my work placement.

And, and, and... still so much to do, with only a very few days remaining. Terrifyingly scary – and this, the easiest of study block's in terms of workload, and assessment expectations. No chance at getting an extension – couldn't anyway because of buggering off to France the next day. Think there will be many a sleepless night for me between now and the 19th, but I will do it. Have to.

Sounds as if the kids have finally gone to sleep downstairs. (Seeing as it's now 2am, I should bloody well think so). My strategy of telling them to organise something with their friends has kept them happy this afternoon, but didn't realise I'd end up with extra catering at dinner, loads more dishes to do, and now breakfast duty in the morning to deal with as well. Eddie and Rosie back at their respective colleges, so nobody will be having a lie-in, and we'll all be suitably grumpy. And as my bed's fully occupied, looks as though I've got Lucy's cabin bed tonight.

Was less than impressed that upon my return from band practise at 1.30am, not only were they all still wide awake, but the entire downstairs was trashed as well – so much for all my hard effort tidying! Apart from cleaning, all I managed to do today was nip out to the library to return some books, and jump on their computers to print out submissions for the About Writing section for bloc, for me to have a go at editing them. Grabbed some shopping on the way home, and that was about it. Pathetic.

At least rehearsal was good; all of us there apart from Nigel, and great to have Chloe back blowing her horn – accompanied by her chubby-faced baby. Gig on Friday, a 50th birthday party, so should be a laugh. Amazing range of fan base we have, from 16-60. I should try and arrange a gig in Falmouth, get the Prof Writing crew along. Maybe after the second study block deadline's out of the way – would certainly be something worth celebrating!


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