It was Christmas Eve, babe
Fairy Tale of New York, definitely the best Xmas song ever. Has been a nice day. Woke up with Graham beside me, so bound to be a nice day (think I'm getting soppy in me old age).
Kids very kindly avoided coming downstairs too early, choosing instead to make the most of me not complaining about them going on the computer. So not exactly up at the crack of dawn – eventually dragged myself out of bed 11am-ish, to make a start on Graham's birthday breakfast. Was quite sweet seeing him sat up in my bed, surrounded by all my kids, all of them tucking into plates of cooked breakfast, and watching rubbish Xmas Eve morning children's TV.
A walk was always on the agenda, but Eddie bowed out because of is foot, Rosie passed on the basis that she had to wrap presents, and tidy her room. Billy and Lucy put up a strong protest, but I wasn't in the mood, and insisted they come with. Looked disasterous, as we drove out to Graham's in the grey mizzle.
Decided on the Gurnard's Head as our tramp of choice, and it turned out to be delightful. The kids' foul mood lifted with the weather; being outside, in that location, exhilarating; and it was all very pedestrian, happy family stuff. I guess Graham would've preferred it if Rory had been there, but my two were impeccably behaved for once, and very cute. With Rory coming down on boxing day, I'm sure we'll have some fun holiday moments.
Back home for us, while Graham carried on with making some spoons as his Xmas present to sister-in-law Liz. Started a bit of dinner prep, finally skimmed through the back-log of newspapers, and put them to be recycled. Tidied, and pottered etc. Settled down to watch Chicken Run which I thought hilarious, before carrying on with Graham's special birthday dinner.
Was delicious, if I do say so myself – smoked salmon en croute, garlic prawns, Cornish new potatoes, honey-glazed carrots, roast parsnip and sweet potato, and a medley of green veg. Proper restaurant material. Shame the dessert wasn't of the same calibre. My mother's famous, competition winning, self-saucing chocolate pudding recipe. Trouble was, I accidentally mis-read the milk quantity, adding one and a half cups, instead of half a cup. Doh! Turned out like a solid gloopy sludge. Truly disgusting. Oh well, can't be super fantastic at everything, all of the time.
Snuggled up on my bed, with the gas fire on for the first time this winter, to watch The Constant Gardner. Enjoyable, but I wouldn't rave about it. Two films in one day though – that has to be some kind of record for me.
Graham declined my offer to stay the night, as he wanted to go to midnight mass at Zennor. I said that I hoped he wasn't going to go and get religion on me, and he said of course not. It's just that the gay, weed-smoking Vicar has been really nice to him – always friendly, buying him drinks at the local pub etc.. so he wanted to return the favour by showing his support.
Hard to say goodnight though, as would've been a perfect way to end the day by climbing into bed together. Think he enjoyed being spoilt, and attended to for the day. Even appreciative of his presents, which were pretty naff if the truth be told. Socks, (you can never have too many), a woolly hat (ditto), a bright yellow piggy bank, and a personally signed copy of Mark Thomas's book.
Mind you, I had stuff I needed to be getting on with tonight, so for the best that I wasn't distracted, and have been able to get on with it. A monstrous pile of dishes of course, and then I rang my mum to wish her a Happy Xmas etc.. and ended up having a long chat, as you do. She sounded quite chirpy – sounded as if she had plenty of invitations to spend time with people today, which is really good news. Complained about the cold, but she should feel what it's like over here! Nice to touch base, even though I'm absolutely rubbish at talking on phones. Should ring the old dear more often really. Will look into the cheap phone company for International calls that Jojo does – New Year's resolution : ring my family more often. Couldn't get through to Al and co, so left a Happy Xmas message on their answer machine.
Eyes sucked into their sockets now, I'm so tired. Still have to play Santa, and stuff stockings before I can hit the hay. And write out little voucher cards for a ski holiday for each of them. Will get woken up super early by excited little people no doubt – all keen and eager for the ice-cold Christmas Day plunge?!? Peace be with you.
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