Under duress

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back in the land of the living...almost

Another day gone, with little to show for. Didn't wake until 11am, and then struggled to actually get up. Could barely hobble to the kitchen when I did so. Decided to get the dishes out of the way – took forever as all my movements seemed to be in slo-mo. Sorted some laundry out before it needed re-washing from having been left wet in the machine for too long. Managed a bite of breakfast, but felt very strange swallowing food after 42hours without. Thankfully, it stayed down.

Eddie had organised a lift to Porthcurno with a mate, so I tagged along to go for a walk while they were bodyboarding. They said to meet up at 4pm, so I went as far as Porthgwarra (the resident seal there lolling about in the cove), before turning back – not wanting to miss my lift. Eddie was still in the water, but Alex (our lift) had already gone. Sat and waited nearly an hour before Eddie finally got out; was gagging for a cup of tea, and by now, bloody hungry. Fortunately we didn't have to hitch back after all, but cadged a lift from some other boarders. Huge relief, as by now was getting dark. Fab full-ish moon to light the way home.

Kids back, laden with grandparent presents: MP3 and MP4 players, as well as radios and mobile phones (!), so they're all gadgeted up now. Have no idea how the player things are supposed to work, but I guess they'll figure it out. Climbed into bed with a plate of pasta to watch the 3rd Harry Potter film together. Dull viewing if you ask me. Have watched more films this past fortnight than for the whole of 2006. Can't be good for me. It's cos I'm not working evenings at the moment, so suddenly have all this leisure time. Keep guiltily thinking that I should be doing something constructive – like coursework. Need to start choosing assessment pieces very soon, but not quite sure where to start? Think I might write some drivel to go on Bill's reading blog, as a delaying tactic instead. The thought of having to come up with some kind of 1st draft MA proposal is terrifying, and yet needs to be handed in, in just six days time.

But before I do anything, I have to look up skin cancer on the Internet, as apparently that's what Terry has. The weird lymph swelling on his neck must have been a symptom of that, not Lymphoma as initially believed. Not good news, that's for sure, as I doubt his immune system is up to much. Wouldn't want the kids to lose their father just yet – they're far too young, would be really tragic. He may be a pain in the arse, and utterly useless, but... Hopefully he'll be alright.


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