Under duress

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I must be mad

No-one else is neurotic enough about their blog to come home at 2.30am, after a long, relentless day and immediately think, 'Ooh. I'd better go upstairs ans log on the computer because I haven't done my blog yet'. Crazy. At college all day, home at six which was just enough time to sort dinner, bolt my food, and then back out the door to model in St Ives. Not done it for a few weeks, so really exhausting, (never appreciated 'til now, that I could be modelling unfit)! From there, straight over to Graham's for band practice. Was flagging when I arrived, but we had a good session – always an energiser.

Had some chat time with Gra afterwards which was much needed; casual conversation to begin with – we see so little of each other, there's always a lot to catch up on. His latest rat capers on this occasion. Eventually we got around to talking about last Friday's gig. Was temporarily heated, but thankfully, didn't degenerate into full scale war. Kind of ended on even ground, so that's reassuring. Really don't want to be busting up/angry at each other over something so trivial. It's a band issue – shouldn't be personal. Had to reluctantly drag myself away, as seeing as we'd made up, thought it only appropriate that we kissed. Make love, not war I say... but it was stupidly late, and we both have early starts in the morning. Popped the imminently overdue library books through the returns slot before coming home, and now I am here, I should be going to bloody bed. Another long college day tomorrow. Will get 4hrs sleep if I'm lucky. I should've been a prime minister.


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