Meanwhile, back at the office...
Spent the morning dealing with administrivia – housing benefit, post, banking, paperwork etc.. all deadly dull, but all (unfortunately) necessary. Meant that I didn't manage to get into Cornish World until 10.45am, which is fine, as I'll have notched up my quota of hours easily by the end of the week. The day sped by as I laboriously wrote, and tweaked the Trereife gardens article. Would never survive in the real world of journalism with such a slow output, but I guess it's a case of the more you do, the more you do!
The hard slog at the coalface/screen was interspersed with various chats with the other office bods, and regular refills of cups of tea. Was quite annoyed by one of the advitorial pieces going into Vitality Matters about laser removal of 'unsightly' spider veins. Purported to be a major disfigurement, it was an insult to anybody who really does have facial anomolies.
Left not long after five to return to a strangely empty house – the kids gone to Terry's, Ed not back from college, and Rosie at the Acorn ready for the 2nd and last performance of Metamorphosis.
Foot loose and fancy free, went over to Heidi's for dinner, and a catch up. Really pleased to hear that she's landed a job with Bishop's Forum, and an interview at the YMCA tomorrow. We rang Hils, to find out about her thesis – hand-in deadline today. She's sent an electronic version, late, and with scrambled format (sounds familiar) but will hopefully be able to get it printed out, and sent off without being penalised. I just so hope she does it, and passes. All that stress and heartache – and for what? I'm already questioning the merits of having taken this MA on board, and I'm nowhere near the intense pressure stage. It so better be worth it.
Had a mini whinge at Heidi about Graham's lack of communication – never bothers to contact me or return any text messages. Feel so cut-off and uncared for, and its beginning to bug me. Drifting into old patterns and really don't want it – don't want to feel like that again, all miserable and insecure. Will try ringing him in a bit – am hoping we can spend tomorrow evening together, as the way things are is just not right.
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