Out of sync
Struggling to get back into the blogger routine. Too much to write about as so ultra busy. Need to be keeping a record of my time at CW before I forget, but have already slipped behind. Given that I left home shortly after 9am this morning, and didn't leave their offices until gone 6pm, it's been a long day. Made a start on the article about running shoes, with assignments on a garden of my choice, and UFOs in Cornwall to follow. Not sure how I'm going to manage to churn that lot out on top of the book reviews I've been asked to do? Not to mention the prep I need to have done for the business and non-fiction options when the course resumes next week.
Work, work, work bloody work. Wish I was back on holiday already!
Squeezed in a quick visit to Graham's after I'd dropped the kids off at scouts. Felt really envious that he's spent the past week or so gardening, and sorting out his place. Enjoying being out doors instead of hunched over a computer. Ok, so he's flat broke (as usual); owes me money, and his overdraft even more so, but at least he's having a nice time about it. Can appreciate the little things in life, not stress about deadlines, workload, commitments, responsibilities... Oh for a simple life. One day.
One day I'll be able to slow down (will have to slow down – can't keep up this punishing pace forever)! Until then, it's post-midnight bedtimes for me; no leisure and no sex. If I can prop my eyeballs open long enough, will attempt to read through the recent back issues of Cornish World I have, to get a sense of the style required for the garden feature. Tossing up whether to go for Tereife – cos it's nice and close, and I can cycle there. Or go further afield and make a profit on the fuel allowance, as well as receive a refund on the entry to somewhere more expensive that I wouldn't ordinarily go to. Will decide on the morrow I guess.
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