Under duress

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

No news is good

As expected, car failed it's test, but surprisingly enough, not as badly as I thought it would. Had I gone with my first instinct to take it to Badgers Cross garage, who have always been so lenient to me in the past, I'm sure it would've been fine. Too late now. Mind you, had I gone with my instincts I would've scrapped the damn thing months ago – written off the £120 purchase price, and spent the extortionate amount of money that's been poured into it since then to get it on the road, on a decent, newer, road-worthy vehicle. Sigh.

So back to Graham's workshop it is then – hopefully not for too long, as Brian, the fiesta, dies tomorrow. Knowing my luck at the moment, I'm bound to have a crash, and my insurance will be invalid. All that official changing of paperwork yet another headache to deal with. Getting to the point when I just want to ostrich; forget about everything and hope that it sorts itself out. And don't mention the X word. Still no idea what we'll actually be doing on the day. Just being family I guess. That should be enough really.

Exam this morning was foul. I did spectacularly badly, but don't think I was the only one. We hadn't had anywhere near enough tuition, or exposure, to the exercises we were meant to be doing – no hands-on practice to the extent that was expected in the two papers. And then we were supposed to exchange work, and mark each others according to the real pieces that our tutor had produced from the same raw material. Talk about mission impossible? Editorial decisions are subjective anyway, but to make a judgement on someone else's work, comparative to hers was completely unrealistic?! Fortunately, others agreed with my comments that this was an unfair expectation, and our papers will now be marked by her (or not, as the case may be). Watch this space.

Really disheartening though. Left college today dismayed and disappointed. Glad tomorrow is our last, as can't keep the momentum any longer. By the time I'd grabbed some bits and pieces in town, completed the bank form for my CDL loan, written a letter to the kids' grandparents to try and organise them meeting up around Xmas time, and posted them both, cooked dinner etc... I'd totally run out of steam. Ended up watching a weird DVD I'd borrowed to entertain housebound Eddie, Coffee and Cigarettes, but all I could think about the whole time was coffee. Had to stop, and make some half way through.

Nearly 8pm, have to pick Lucy up from gym now, dash to the Acorn, and then try and make the last gasp of band rehearsal. Or just come home, need the sleep, that's for sure.


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