Under duress

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Yes, it's official. I am now live. After 6hrs solid of amending pages, adding links etc.. it has all been uploaded to the site and is ready to be viewed. By who? God knows. Thank you Tim for your assistance today – invaluable. Thought it a quite funny when you suggested putting in some meta-tags, and after starting off with the serious words like 'writer' 'poet' 'editor' it degenerated into 'sex' and 'free' as a way of trying to maximise potential search engine hits.

Just so relieved it's more or less done now (could do with some photos/images but don't have the time or inclination to do anything fancy – bare bones will do)! No-one's going to actually be looking at the damn thing anyway, so there really isn't any point. What a palaver though – has taken up days of my life, and I hate websites and computers even more than ever now.

Hate this blog too. Feeling really resentful about having to write it – would much rather be reading, or writing something useful, or sleeping (1.30am already). Amazed at miss-cellany's blog though – she's doing fantastically well with her growing audience/blogger comrades, and elicited a brilliant response re blogging for her Industry Analysis. Well done!

Suffering from a grazed elbow after tripping up a curb whilst walking/texting at the same time yesterday, and from carpet burn on my back and knees after finding some company to spend the night with. I must try and learn to take better care of myself – still have slight scarring on my feet from last year's flip-flop bicycle incident!

Narrowly missed death the other day when my rear mudguard detached itself from it's bracket, and wedged itself round and under the wheel. Came to a very sudden and dramatic stop which scared the bejeezus out of me, and had to improvise tying it back on with my hair band.

Speaking of death, had a phone call today asking me when Terry's funeral was going to be held...! Rumours must be flying thick and fast. The little kids went to visit him this morning; apparently he's feeling a lot better, which is encouraging to hear. And if he was in hospital for 10 days he must've had to dry out (if only temporarily). Wonder if he'll think seriously about tackling the drinking now or not? Let's hope so.

Pity about all that bold above - can't seem to be able to un-do it. Oh well.


At 6:40 PM, Blogger miss-cellany said...

Yay! and huge congratulations on the website! The @*!?**@ deramweaver at college has changed, looks different and lost a day trying to get content up to date. Hence in absolute awe of those who are there.

Thankyou for the lovely words of encouragement re the industry analysis. It was a gamble, but seems to have really paid off. just got to write the bloody thing now...

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Taiga the Fox said...

I really like the looks of your web site. Good job!


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