Under duress

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bored, bored, bored!!!

So bored I'm writing blog before midnight. Have been sat at this friggin' computer virtually all day, apart from occasional chore interlude, and an errand to the shop and to post stuff. Returned Tori's shoes I'd borrowed for the 1940's party purely because I was so stiff, and couldn't face sitting back down again. And how much have I achieved? Fuck all.

A day spent researching and emailing – both ethereal activities that involve shedloads of time for nil demonstrable return. Beginning to wish I'd organised a work placement now – so that it'd feel as if I'm actually doing something! No, actually... beginning to wish I'd never signed up for this soul-sapping course. Most of today's effort involved contacting bloggers who've published books, and attaching a questionnaire that no-one will bother responding to. But how demoralising can you get – when you end up on other people's blogs and read what they're writing/doing? Might as well give up now. Can't compete with the technology, or the know-how. And these people are famous – with hundreds of people visiting them daily! Fancy all-singing, all-dancing sites that link to absolutely everybody and everything – they must spend hours just managing it all?! Did have a response from the wifeupnorth lady blogger – the one who's landed a £70,000 advance to turn her blog into a book, so that's encouraging (even if it was only to say she couldn't open the questionnaire – please could I send it again). But kind of sounds vaguely promising.

Have been a right publicity tart by adding my blog address at the end of these emails, in the vain hope that these high profile bloggers will link me, or at the very least, view me. Maybe recommend me to others (ha – in my dreams). Blogging is an art form as far as I can tell, and mine's at stick figure stage – naive in the extreme.

Sent a barrage of questions to Sue Perkins as well (also with Under-duress blog address added) so hopefully she'll respond relatively soonish so that I can get that profile written up and out of the way. And delivered a letter to Andrew George's constituency office to see if I can get him to comment on the overcrowding/lack of affordable homes in Penwith issue for my opinion/rant homework. Didn't include my blog address that time – maybe I should've? Isn't that how wifey
(up north) got discovered? By contacting a politician who then passed her blog details onto someone in the states? Missed opportunity no doubt.

Bored, bored, boredy bored. Have a hankering to go to the pub and get drunk, but Billy and Lucy've just walked through the door having had dinner at their dad's, so I won't. Just yet.


At 3:13 PM, Blogger Jacqui said...

It can be very lonely writing can't it. Am getting a bit addicted to blogging over past few weeks, and keeping contact with everyone, (now I've got it together) certainly does help beat isolated feeling. Thanks for your lovely comment.


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