Under duress

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


My entire body (but particularly the lower half) seems to be seizing up through lack of use; stiffening in an incredibly painful and uncomfortable way. My arse aches, my legs ache, and my groin is really ouchy – and all for the wrong reasons. I know I've said it before, but I really am in the wrong profession: Fi(s) just aren't designed to be sat immobile for any length of time. And I was today – for fucking hours.

Spent the morning researching and investigating the lovely Sue Perkins on the net for future article write-up (still have to compose the questions I need to email her – not feeling too inventive earlier). And the afternoon pouring through the Lulu.com website, copying and pasting various bits of info to use when writing up my industry analysis. Will need to email some of the contacts tomorrow to try and get some 'voices' in. Followed the links from the Lulu.Blooker Prize to some of the entries – Abby Lee's blog to book's done well (and so has her website) as has Dating Amy. I obviously need to try and include more sex in my book – tricky when you're not actually getting any (other than the odd, random, not very satisfying, shag). Mmmm, may have to work on that one – tricky when you don't have a life any more owing to ridiculous amount of time studying!

Blissful escape into town to post various letters including pathetic overdue postcard from Risoul to my mum – most of the content thereon being an apology for not having written for an age. Also sent of my old Losing the Plot short story to the Woman's Weekly Fiction Special magazine. Not holding my breath as has already been rejected by Mslexia, and is probably a bit too quirky for WW. Next attempt will be Scryffa, but apparently it'll take about 16weeks before I hear anything back from Woman's Weekly, so will just have to wait and see.

Was a good student, and went round town distributing the bloc publicity poster. In my mates cafe, The Honeypot, I scored a free copy of Jeanette Winterson's Lighthousekeeping which I'm well chuffed with – have always wanted to read some more of her books. Not that I can spare the time now mind. I'll have to add it to the enormous stockpile of the ones I intend to read 'one day'. Can't wait til that day – or rather, those days, when 'chilling' and 'leisure. are words that apply to me too.

Unimpressed by the printer saying that it's out of ink already (have barely used it in the month or so that its had the new cartridges put in). Bumped into Fraser, who very kindly offered me a loan of one of his – an all-in-one which is great, as I'll be needing to scan things in soon for my book. Ideal to be able to do that at home and not have to fart about taking documents etc. into college.

Paradoxically, felt the warmest I'd been all day this evening, modelling in the Arts Club. Lovely, cosy, open fire... whereas at home, I've been wearing my hat, scarf and coat inside all day. Warranted though, as it's been freezing. Loads of intermittent hail and snow showers – some of them pretty heavy – throughout the day. Made me think there was probably somewhere not too far away that we could've found with some snow on the ground. Bumboards at the ready... but no car.

Oh well. So... what a thrilling day? Not. And not quite sure how much longer I can sustain this discipline? As soon as the weather improves, it's going to get a whole lot harder. Til then, I'd best plug, plug away at it. Kind of disheartening though – all these hours ostensibly studying, and not much in the way of new, fresh writing to show for it. Hardly prolific. And nothing much of merit.


At 5:08 AM, Blogger Jacqui said...

Well done for getting interview with Sue Perkins. My friend went down to see her the other night and really enjoyed it.

At 7:17 AM, Blogger emapple said...

Hi -just to say I really like your blog. I'll be really relieved when this stupid industry analysis is over as i have no interest in it whatsoever.

Hope the aches are better - mine seem to be worse today than yesterday which i'm pissed off about as I thought I'd feel better today.

Oh and I also have a very large pile of books I want/need to read that I keep adding to. Occasionally I look at them and think I've got over a couple of years reading here, why am I adding to it. But still do.


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