Pleasing on the whole – 69%, 66% and 69%, so two of them a single percent off a distinction. Considering the circumstances under which I have to study, I think I can be damn proud of that. And had plenty of encouraging feedback so that's all good.
Positive affirmation time: I am clever and I am beautiful. And I'm a good mother.
The next study block will be a toughy, I know that; the coming weeks will fly by, and I'll just have to knuckle down and get on with it (without moaning). But I can and will do it! Long day today, starting with non-fiction this morning – plenty of homework to be doing between now and next week, including a 5min presentation of my book idea to the class. Lots of things to think about, so hopefully I'll be able to pull together a really interesting, quirky proposal.
Had a script writing workshop with Henry James – one of the writers on Green Wing. Mostly him chatting about him, but we had a had a brief go at a dialogue exercise which was vaguely useful to illustrate the concept of beats. And less is more. Was wobbling over option choice – not sure Business is for me – so begged Christina to let me try Features instead. So will be turning up to both classes next week, and then I'll have to make the final decision (but think it'll be features as the other is so boring)!
Means extra h/work over the weekend which is a total bummer cos Hilary's down from Machynelleth, and I'd much rather be out playing! Going round to Heidi's for dinner any minute now, so will have a chance to catchup there. Might take me bleach, and ask them to do me roots while I'm there – (this bad badger look's not a good one, and I have a reputation as a rock diva to uphold). Besides, want to go red again, and need to prepare the foundations as it were. Am feeling confident and feisty, and keen to show the world (well, Penwith).
Bumped into Terry in the co-op – apparently his lymphoma is benign, which is a huge relief. Although I may have 'issues', I wasn't relishing the prospect of having him die, and the fall-out on the kids that would entail. Horrible. So hopefully he'll stagger on a little longer (the alcohol fumes, unbearably strong), and the test results next week will give him the all clear. The little kids are round there now, so at least he's making at effort at re-establishing the routine. May have to ask him to help out at half-term? We'll see.
Starving, starving, starving. No word from the evil Graham, or the devilish Beth? Thought she might have at least commented on the poems in some way, but maybe she just thinks they're crap, and didn't want to have to say so. Re-calling how I was singing Dolly Parton's 'Jolene' in the shower before the dreaded meeting still makes me smile. And discovering that I'd met Christina at the Bosun's a couple of years back – the night I took her friend Dean home for some fun – similarly brings a smile to my lips. Says she'll show me some photos of him on her pc some time?
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