Under duress

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Back from theatre trip to Plymouth to see Derrek's play Gilgamesh. Should really have just gone straight to bed, but I'm such an addict! Bordering on compulsive obsessive?

Long day, which flew by. Not that impressed with Business session this morning so really hope it improves – quickly. Farted about on computers reading in-house emails, and printing off material from the shared areas before knuckling down to tackle Susannah's task. Ran out of time though, so will have to try and finish off shortly.

Was nice to be out on a social outing with the gang for a change – beer and wine flowing freely en route. Fell asleep during the actual play itself, but the bits I did see didn't grab me. Thought the text/script was beautiful in places, but the actors weak, and the story, vague. Not that I could've done any better mind.

Well impressed by the fact that not only did Rosie manage to cook pasta and feed the 5000, but the dishes were done too. My kids really are amazing – deserve all credit for being amazing. Hope they don't feel too abandoned and neglected. I will make it up to them, promise.

Browsed through the sex catalogue which had arrived through the post fro far too long when I got back. Wasting valuable sleeping time, but also, getting me all turned on. Not a good thing when you're single. Think I'll have to dig out the dildo I bought at Wendy's Ann Summer's party but never used. Could do with a buzz in my life around about now! But work first, unfortunately.


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