Under duress

Monday, July 28, 2008

how to be a tourist in North Cornwall

drive around a lot looking for a beach. hang about on the beach even though it's overcast, and not at all beach-worthy. scour your free map hoping to find places of interest, but only find Rock, the John Betjemen Centre, and a naff Cyder farm. get stuck in endless traffic jams and wonder why you ever bothered to venture out of Penwith. remember too late that you need to replace the left-hand side windscreen wiper as the proverbial heavens open. ponder on the thought that this is only the first day of 6 weeks of summer hols...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

the hat is back

No, not a new Dr Seuss title, merely some zealous, methodical re-tracing of my steps, by bike (if that makes sense?) to recover the aforementioned item. Hoorah!!

Joined the social network revolution earlier this eve and signed up to facebook - what a pilaver. Took me forever, but finally managed to become a 'friend' of my own son, viewed the scan photo of my soon-to-be-grandchild, and left a suitable mumsy type comment 'on the wall'. All a bit beyond me this modern day communication malarky.

Monday, July 21, 2008

the sea

Cycling back from yoga, and overcome by the beauty of the bay, I stopped to sit a minute or two in appreciation of the sea. Pulling pen and paper from my bag, I tried to describe it, capture it, distill it, but ended up writing utter pants. So how do you write about something which has been written about always and forever, and still make it fresh? Tricky. Wish I knew.

Shortly after this interlude, I lost my favourite hat. Bollocks.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

still ill

don't bounce back like I used to
tedious in the extreme
all full of snot
summer colds suck
the only consolation
an unlikely combination
of self-administered medication
namely brandy and ice cream

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Ups and Downs

Was at Glastonbury playing with me band, yay! First time there as a performer as opposed to working in a cafe, or litter picking, or as random crew (highlight of the band's career!)

Gate-crashing a Jacuzzi, complete with complimentary champagne, and having a go on a flying trapeze (highlights of the festival).

Downsides? Succumbing to an evil cold (now chest infection) and coldsore virus post festy, and being voted out of office as Mock Mayor of Penzance due to my absence on election night.

Pondlife giveth, and Pondlife taketh away...