Under duress

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Day 2.

Long day of brain-ache yesterday. Feel completely out of my depth. Overwhelmed by everything and struggling with the enormity of it all. Guilt tripping myself for abandoning kids big time .
Came home to Lucy cooking noodles for tea before heading to gym. No sign of Billy late back from football. Rosie hassling to go surfing. And Eddie in bed dying of tonsilitis 3rd day running. How's that for parenting?
Acquiesed to surf demand purely cos I needed a salt water hit and Sennen cove calming.
Worked a treat. A balmy evening, light off-shore breeze, clean waves, and a golden orb of a sun. Perfect. Only time enough once home to raid the freezer, bung frozen shite in the oven, shout 'don't forget to turn it off' on my way out, and peg it to the car.
Two hours at the school of painting - killer positions and no heating. Bloody marvellous.
Over to Zennor for band practise. Working on new tune called Flambard's Burning. Right laugh but too exhausted to stay til end.
Back home, greeted by customary sink full of dishes. Polished off Lucy's half-eaten bowl of cold congealed noodles. Crawled into bed 1.45am pissed off that too tired to read, let alone write.
Doesn't bode well for study success. Tossed and turned with the worry of it all, unable to sleep.
Doesn't bode well for well-being.

Today, more of the same. Just back from stint behind the bar. Knackered. About to attempt some Wuthering Heights. Can't even begin to imagine what the luxury of being single, no kids, no work commitments or other impediments to studying, would be like? To immerse myself in it - fully. Total headspin.


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